Health Innovations

Health Innovations

Formative Evaluation of the Development Innovation Fund-Health

The Government of Canada established the Development Innovation Fund (DIF), in 2008, with the aim of supporting “the best minds in the world as they search for breakthroughs in global health and other areas that have the potential to bring about enduring changes in the lives of millions of people in poor countries.” A three-party consortium comprising the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) collaborated on this initiative. The Evaluation Centre conducted a formative evaluation to: 1) assess the extent to which the early elements of the Development Innovation Fund in Health Theory of Change have been realized; 2) review the implementation and operation of the Development Innovation Fund in Health to date; 3) provide evidence of the emergence of early expected results; and 4) offer insights into any unforeseen challenges and/or opportunities so that adjustments of any issues relating to design, delivery or strategic thinking can be considered.

Funder:  IDRC

Period of Grant:  March 2012-February 2013 

Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Development Innovation Fund-Health

The Development Innovation Fund-Health (DIF-H) is a Government of Canada project that aims to: (i) Identify and prioritize health challenges facing the developing world; (ii) Mobilize Canadian and international scientific communities to address these health challenges through competitive selection and funding of projects; and (iii) facilitate affordable implementation and commercialization, in the developing regions of the world, of solutions that emerge. The Evaluation Centre along with the three DIF-H consortium organizations (Grand Challenges Canada, IDRC and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)) led the development of an evaluation framework to facilitate the evaluation and monitoring of, and learning from, the results and progress of the initiative.

Funder:  IDRC

Period of Grant:  2011