People who inspire and guide our work
Bob Gardner
Bob was one of our Centre’s closest allies and a dear friend. Bob was the architect of Toronto City’s plan to address health inequities. He helped us bring a social justice lens to our work, and his ideas inspired the birth of the Centre. Bob passed away in 2014, but his work continues to inspire us and the work that we do.
Ray Pawson
Ray is a very close friend of the Centre. Ray is one of the principal developers of realist evaluation. His work on realist evaluation has guided the methodological directions of the Centre and our understanding of evaluations of complex interventions. He has presented at the Centre in 2015 — the link to his presentation to the Centre can be found here.
Mel Mark
Mel has been one of the biggest champions of the Evaluation Centre, both with his presence in our workshops, and his inspiring work that seeks to blend theory-driven evaluations with quasi-experimental/ experimental methods. Further, his work on evaluation influence has guided our work on building evaluation capacities to address inequities in China. Mel has contributed a paper for an upcoming New Directions for Evaluation volume focusing on building capacities to address inequities. This volume was co-edited by evaluators from the Evaluation Centre.
Carol Tannahill
Carol is the director of the Glasgow Centre for Public Health. Her innovative views of research and evaluation to focus on improved population health have inspired the direction of travel of the Evaluation Centre. Carol influenced us to think about research in the problem space, and evaluations in the solution space. Carol has collaborated with evaluators at the Centre to formalize the role of evaluations in building bridges between problem and solution space.
Fred Carden
Fred was instrumental in starting the Evaluation Centre. He has continued on an ongoing basis to support the Centre with his presence in our multiple workshops, publishing with evaluators in the Centre, and insightful advice whenever needed. He was an important partner in the evaluation capacity work that the Centre did in China.
Katherine Hay
Katherine has been a pioneer in evaluation capacity building work in the South Asian region, while she was with IDRC and now with the Gates Foundation. She continues to focus on evaluation capacity building and also on implementing innovative evaluation designs for addressing far-reaching problems like maternal mortality. Katherine has collaborated with evaluators at the Centre in both evaluation capacity building and evaluations of complex health interventions.
Jean King
Jean has been a leader in evaluation capacity building. The Centre’s work on evaluation capacity building with community organizations has been inspired both by Jean’s formal work on evaluation capacity building, as well as the warmth that she brings in all engagement with stakeholders. Jean recently contributed to a forum of papers on evaluation capacity building for enhancing brain health that will soon be formally published in Evaluation and Program Planning.
John Mayne
The quality and precision of the Centre’s work has been improved through our collaboration and friendship with John. John is the developer of contribution analysis and has been a leader in applying results frameworks for accountability in multiple sectors including international development. John has collaborated with evaluators at the Centre for the past several years, including on a recent paper on applications of contribution analysis for assessing the social and economic impacts of research.
Luc Anselin & Julia Koschinsky
Luc and Julia are based at the Centre for Spatial Data Science at the University of Chicago; Luc is the developer of the SpaceStat and GeoDa software packages for spatial data analysis. Their work on spatial patterns has influenced thinking at the Evaluation Centre in incorporating spatial context into our evaluation frameworks. Luc and Julia have collaborated with evaluators at the Centre on multiple publications.
Bobby Milstein
Presently based at ReThink Health of the Rippel Foundation and formerly the leader of the Syndemics Prevention Network at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Bobby has influenced the Evaluation Centre with his work focusing on system dynamics and the need to pay attention to synergies of epidemics when focused on issues of extreme poverty, inequities, and co-morbidities. A recent publication of the Evaluation Centre on syndemics and ecology of care has been heavily influenced by Bobby’s contribution.