In Formation

In Formation

The Evaluation Centre for Complex Health Interventions (TECCHI) is delighted to start a new web link that we have entitled “In Formation”. This page is dedicated to a discussion of ideas from new projects/papers/books that are presently being developed.

We are thrilled to share Ray Pawson’s presentation titled “Evidence-based Medicine & Evidence-based Policy: The World’s Most Perfectly Developed Method & the 79-Pound Weakling?” This presentation will inform future papers and a book: the ideas presented are still at an early stage.

Watch Part 1 of Ray’s presentation

Watch Part 2 of Ray’s presentation 

Ray presents his ideas on evidence based policies and medicine at a recent presentation at Leeds University (thank you to Ray and Leeds Uni for sharing the videos with us). In addition, we are also sharing slides from the presentation.

Slides from Ray’s presentation

We look forward to receiving feedback from you at All feedback will be passed on to Ray. We think that your feedback will help accelerate the formation of Ray’s future works. It might also influence the direction future works will take.

Looking forward to hearing from you.