COVID, Complexity, Counterfactuals, & Calamitous Conclusions: A Provocation




  • Limits of social suppression interventions exposed in complexity theory – 8 modes:
    • Disparate Command and Control Systems
    • Interaction and Emergence
    • Policy Discord and Moral Disharmony
    • Contextual Heterogeneity
    • Implementation Heterogeneity
    • Ambiguity in Relations and Guidelines
    • Temporal Change in Public Attitudes
    • Exit and Sustainability Effects
  • A Calamitous Conclusion?
    • No public policy has ever been subject to more effort, management, investment, and scrutiny than the social interventions to overcome COVID-19
    • Yet, only a halting intermittent solution was provided
  • Complexity dynamics and the oscillating impact of major policy interventions: Have we seen the merry-go-round before?
  • Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
    • For policymakers: Remember you are designing complex, adaptive, self-transformative systems. The key task is to try to anticipate the complexity dynamics.
    • For evaluators: Remember you are researching complex, adaptive, self-transformative systems. The key task is to try to trace the complexity dynamics.