The Evaluation Centre for Complex Health Interventions at the University of Toronto in partnership with the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association organized three webinars to discuss the implications of the pandemic for rethinking evaluation competencies. With the emergence of the pandemic, the last 18 months have seen a period in which we have had to rethink interventions, how they work, and how best we can explore if they work.
The emergence of the pandemic also has been accompanied with greater focus on vulnerabilities. There is greater recognition that the goal of interventions is to be responsive to such vulnerabilities and intersectionalities. This understanding of the nature of discontinuities and growing inequities also has been accompanied with a greater focus on sustainability, both ecological and social.

In this series of seminars, we discuss how we need to train evaluators differently, given these realities. We invited global and regional leaders in evaluation on how we need to rethink competencies, the implications for policy evaluations, and how best to design evaluation training to incorporate these newer realities. We connected with a wide variety of evaluators and implementers based in Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe, North and South America. The following three webinars were organized—please click on each of links below to review the videos, blogs and slides.

Webinar one | Rethinking Evaluator Competencies in an Age of Discontinuity: Evaluation’s Response to the Pandemic
September 20th 2021

Webinar two | Rethinking Evaluation Criteria at the Policy Level: Implications of Inequities and Sustainability for Training Policy Evaluators
October 4th 2021

Webinar three | Models of Evaluation Training for Evaluators for 2021
October 18th 2021