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The Theory of Change
Edinburgh Evaluation Summer School Classes
Edinburgh Evaluation Summer School Classes
Evaluation Questions
Edinburgh Evaluation Summer School Classes
Edinburgh Evaluation Summer School Classes
Edinburgh Evaluation Summer School Classes
Edinburgh Evaluation Summer School Classes
Evaluation Courses in Scotland


Linkages within DTFP

  • DTFP network seen by project leads to provide multiple functions, primarily project updates, but also access to consultation and reduced redundancy in advisory committees.

  • Project leads take advantage of EENet in services related to messaging & materials, dissemination, and consultation (re: communications and PwLE).  Creating linkages to other networks was not identified.

System Leaders

  • MoHLTC performs a monitoring function, limited evidence of taking a  leadership role

  • There is lack of clarity regarding the roles of the LHINs

Linkages to system stakeholders

  • Further exploration of how each stakeholder contributes to the success of the projects should be explored

System Change (progress towards outcomes)

  • Some project lack clarity regarding key project mechanism that will move the system forward

  • There is absence of understanding regarding mechanisms of spread

  • Connection to National Strategy are limited

  • Many DTFP-ON system outcomes and changes are expected to occur at least 2 years after project initiation (notably: this creates tension with respect to the lack of certainty around sustainability )