Embracing Complexity : Making Evaluations Matter

Category: Webinar 3

Insights from webinar three “Measuring Coherence of Complex Interventions”

TECCHI’s third webinar in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) series was centered on the role that evaluations could play in measuring the coherence of interventions. Coherence can be defined as “how well an intervention fits” within a given setting. As a recent graduate, I’ve been surrounded by many classmates who are interested in the notions of disruption, innovation, and bringing new ideas to the solution space. However, too often our courses in university are structured so that students with similar academic backgrounds are in the same classes. Many times the lack of cross-faculty spaces for collaboration have come in the way of engaging with ideas using a lens of “coherence”. How do ideas generated in the field of health interact with those in political science, business and the environment? How do these different fields work together to solve problems in the real-world? The webinar on coherence helped me think more deeply about how ideas and interventions fit within a given context. Below are a few quotes that were mentioned in the chat during the webinar that stuck out to me:

“The relevance of formal vs, informal institutions and their overlay may need more attention.  Linking back to [the] interest in how this overlay will be relevant in coherence in a systems’ perspective as well.”
“I’d like to hear more about the coherence of coherence. Coherence with what, in what contexts? I’ve long identified limitations of silo thinking and the myth that any single intervention can have meaningful impacts, in isolation”
“I would also like to hear about the linkage of coherence with sustainability. Also in my opinion, measurement could be key specifically in situation wherein there are different partners and programmes work in tandem”
“’coherence’ isn’t always a ‘good’. […] Its a bit about the argument about institutionalisation as always good!? It depends on coherence for what purpose which I think is what you are implying”
“Decision processes are surely key interfacing formal and informal institutions (or culture)”
“In some humanitarian contexts, “coherence” with national policies and strategies are sometimes not desirable.”
“I would like to support [a] comment on the difference between policy design and evaluation and claiming the need for more inclusion of evaluators in policy design. Not only formative evaluation but the promotion of old fashion ex-ante evaluation which we don’t seem to see much nowadays. Also this relates to how do we cumulate knowledge in program evaluation as discipline… and the needs for evaluators to be less reactive and more proactive (not to that easy of course!)”
“I think it’s interesting that conversations about implementation and evaluation often happen separately – I am not an evaluator but an implementer and we talk about coherence in different language and in different ways. I think involving evaluators in implementation/program design and vice versa would be beneficial to address a lot of this issues with coherence”
“For me, an important part of coherence is the idea of resonance — the idea of adding to what already happening and gaining (non linear) momentum in the process. This links us back to the idea of contributing to trajectories we talked about a couple of weeks ago – trajectories consisting of systems of actors interacting with each other, technology, institutions, etc that deliver coherent sets of outcomes over time. The outcomes can be good or bad, and trajectories may work to resist change.”
“that’s why I was arguing that the choice of unit of analysis is key – I wold [sic] argue it’s the cluster of interacting polices we should be looking at!”
“Isn’t the point that we need to choose what to be coherent with, and being more explicit and transparent about that choice?”

Coherence with what?

When thinking about coherence, many participants in the webinar noted the importance of stating up-front what policies, programs, and values a new program aims to be coherent with. In any given context, there are formal institutions and informal actors present, these different groups might have values that are similar, but also those that are divergent. By stating which aspects of a given context a new program aims to align with, program implementers could move towards building connections with different partners (such as community organizations or policy actors) that are working on similar projects or program areas. These new relationships can then be leveraged to work towards shared goals and ambitions around solving a problem.

Fred Carden, the first speaker in the webinar, discussed different types of coherence – internal, intra-organizational, inter-organizational and international coherence. The idea of coherence can be thought about on many different levels, and perhaps as one aims to increase the scope of organizations and national priorities one wants their program to be coherent with, the difficulty of the task increases. With an increased number of stakeholders, organizations and policies to consider, a larger diversity in views and values are present at the table. This in turn increases the difficulty of designing and implementing a program that is coherent with the views of a broad range of factors.

Is coherence always desirable?

During the webinar, some participants posed questions that sought to understand when coherence is desirable, and when it is not. Are there certain aspects of a program that we hope are coherent with a given context, and other aspects that are aiming to bring a more disruptive energy to a solution space? When there is disruptive change, are appropriate change management tasks undertaken so that individuals are able to understand the change that is being brought, and how their role is shifting as a result? How can disruption and the notion of coherence be reconciled? Although coherence might not be desired in all aspects of a program, it is important to understand how the program fits in the larger socio-cultural, historical, environmental, political and economic contexts. How does the new program build on progress that is already made, and what new inputs does the program bring in? Are the users of the program ready to engage with the new change that is being proposed? Were the users part of the process while developing the new program?

Measuring Coherence

Measuring coherence is also another theme that was brought up multiple times during our discussion. Given that in any given context there are often multiple interventions taking place simultaneously, and that different programs and services synergistically build on each other, how do we measure if a program is coherent in a given context? How do you measure contributions when there are many partners involved? What about the unseen partners who might be playing a key role? Another question that comes to mind is the role of evaluation in looking at problems as a whole, and understanding how multiple programs funded by different organizations are working in tandem towards solutions. Is there value in funding evaluations that aim to understand how an ecology of policies, programs, and stakeholders at multiple levels work together towards solving an issue that is of importance to them?

Summary of Presentations | Measuring Coherence of Complex Interventions

Fred Carden

Coherence: A Principles-Focused Approach

  • What is Coherence?
    • OECD 1991 – initial focus on policy coherence
    • European Commission 1992 – put into law
    • Focus has been on global issues
    • Enshrined in SDGs
    • No accepted definition
    • OECD defines coherence as: an approach and policy tool to systematically integrate the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development at all stages of domestic and international policy analysis.
  • What is Coherence in a Country Program?
    • Development, Trade, Diplomacy – how are they coherent?
    • There are different levels of coherence: 1) Internal Coherence; 2) Intra-Organizational Coherence; 3) Inter-Organizational Coherence; 4) International Coherence
    • Focus of Global Affairs Canada in Columbia case was on first two levels of coherence
    • We first looked at the notion that coherence is not only about policy – what does coherence mean in the context of programming of global affairs in Columbia?
  •  Levels of Coherence
    • Policy Coherence
    • Organizational Coherence
    • Administrative Coherence
    • Knowledge Coherence
    • Informal Coherence
  • Measuring Coherence
    • Developed four-level rubric – no coherence to coherence
    • Breaking it up into different elements very helpful in discerning what was/was not coherent – Example: coherence across international assistance; coherence across international engagement
    • Found that there was pretty good policy coherence, but administratively weak

Lori Bell

  • In the context of UNHCR commissioned evaluations, coherence is always looked at through the lens of relevance – are we doing the right thing?
  • Presentation provides concrete examples of evaluations where coherence was looked at from an internal and external point of view

System-wide evaluation of cyclone Idai Mozambique 2019

External Coherence

  • Complexity, crowdedness of the humanitarian space
  • The divide and conquer of different agencies
  • How did we live up to our responsibilities and roles compared to what other actors did?
  • If you want to look at External Coherence, you can’t do it on your own – we need to understand the comparative advantage of UNICEF, etc.
  • We need to know a lot about other agencies operations and what the government is doing
  • Inter-agency joint evaluation, rather than a single agency evaluation

The Importance of Personalities, Perceptions, and Culture

  • Coherence boils down to individual behaviours and decision-making on the ground
  • We need to look at culture and perceptions

Elliot Stern

Aspects of Policy Coherence

  • ‘Policy Coherence’ in EU and OECD
    • Coherence now a “new” (2020) OECD criteria, but entered European policy vocabulary in 1992 Maastricht Treaty
    • Distinction between internal and external coherence – i.e., consistency of elements making up a policy action vs consistency between different policy actions (this distinction may be less clear-cut than 10 or 20 years ago)
  • 4 Aspects of Contemporary Policy Coherence
    • Unit of analysis
      • Growing understanding of complex and interdependent policy priorities (e.g., innovation, climate change mitigation, equity and justice)
      • Extending the Unit of Analysis: i) decontextualized policy interventions (coherent with policy inputs); ii) contextualized policy interventions (coherent with policy/non-policy inputs/contexts); iii) interdependent policies interventions (coherent between multiple policies in multiple contexts); iv) policy systems (many coherence possibilities)
      • Systems Mapping for complex policy evaluation
    • Coordination and governance – Coherence doesn’t happen on its own!
      • Multi-part and separate but interdependent policy interventions must be aligned – importance of coordination and governance arrangements
      • Success often depends on pre-existing community, sectoral/territorial networks; credibility of system leaders; capacities to use information and adapt; participatory engagement of stakeholders
      • Coordination and governance itself must be evaluated – part of ToCs, etc.
      • Encouraging those in governance and coordination roles to reflexively learn and generate and use M&E data a way of strengthening coherence
    • Timing: Re-setting the evaluation clock
      • Move away from short-run, ex-post evaluation at end of program/policy cycle to integrate evaluation into program planning and “up-valuing” mid-term/ongoing evaluations
      • Ex-post evaluations are moving long-term – look back over longer time scales on rolling basis
      • Mid-term evaluations increasingly inform reprogramming and “steering” and adaptive management
    • Importance of substantive theory
      • When we move from narrow focus on programs to recognize importance of complexity, context and interdependencies, it changes where we look for theory
      • Program theory is not enough
      • Becoming standard in UK and EU structural funds to look to academic research to identify building blocks of Theories of Change (e.g., Innovations Systems Theory)
      • Centrality of literature reviews and partnerships with domain experts

Vijayalakshmi Vadivelu

UNDP’s programming:

  • In past 3 decades, programs have looked at coherence in different program areas – support to livelihoods, peace building, etc. require synergies – intersecting elements to enhance coherence at the country level
  • UNDP’s consistent emphasis on coherence and partnerships – implemented with a range of partnerships – integrated role within UN system
  • Programming at national and subnational levels enables synergies/linkages

Coherence a key dimension of program performance

  • Assessed at multiple levels: Internal, External, Intra-organizational
  • Mapping of areas where maximum synergies are possible 
  • Also look at intersecting areas in response to crises

External Coherence      

  • UNDP collaborates with other actors to contribute to humanitarian response
  • Determine pathways that link, map key actors working in the area, identify intersecting process indicators and strength of partnerships
  • In bringing together different actors, coherence assessed using sector data
    • Increasing household income, increased investment = indicators for policy coherence

Different types of Coherence – horizontal and vertical pathways

  • We try to determine the level of coherence
  • Questions regarding linkages to sustainability
  • Use causal pathways through the Theory of Change – coherence is one we try to examine
  • Multiple methods – determining coherence is more challenging, especially subjectivity in identifying some of the indicators, even where synergies are happening
  • Can be helpful to disaggregate and then develop a composite score
  • For each level, we use a different rubric for mapping
  • Determining national sector policy coherence is often much simpler, but determining the contribution of an agency/program can be extremely challenging